Refund Policy
Our official return policy for Tamy Shop’s products is as follows:
Your satisfaction as customer is important to us at Tamy Shop. So, you may within 14 days return or replace all physical, non-digital items (paintings, drawings, printed reproductions, photo prints) purchased from us, and we will refund your money if the products are defective or damaged. You are entitled to withdraw your order within 1 week of receiving the goods. For recurring billing products, returns for more than one payment may be provided if requested within the standard 7 day return period. After 7 days all sales are final.
Products you want to return back send to the following address:
Customers requesting serial or repeated returns will be blocked from making further purchases. Customers that violate the terms of use of the product may have their right of return revoked.
Non-digital products sold by Tamy Shop are complete refundable, with 100% money back guarantee. In the case you receive a defective or damaged item please send an email to: within 7 days of the date you received your item(s). Please provide a short summary of your reason for wanting to return your item. ONLY replacements are allowed on defective products, and you will be responsible for the difference in price if you wish to replace a product for a more expensive one.
We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the incorrect purchase of our products. All of the products (except drawings, paintings) on the website are extensively tested to comply with rigorous and strict QC standards. For all of our clothing products, items and accessories, please take careful note of the precise measurements, mainly shown in centimeters (CM). As part of our company policy, we will not be able to accept returns or provide refunds for items which are the wrong size.
Ships in 7 to 30 business day. Expected delivery in 7 to 30 days.
We are not responsible for local customs charges. Delivery time depends on the couriers, local customs in your country also holidays, weather conditions. Usually it takes from 10 to 60 days, depending on the customs at your country.
No deliveries at Kosovo.
This product ships for free worldwide!
USA, CA …8 to 18 business days
UK, FR, ES, DE, NL, UA, JB, BE, DK, FI, IE, NO, PT, SE, CH, SRB, … 7 to 30 business days
Other countries within 15 to 40 days.