Attention: Are Your Products Working For You? If NOT...
"Discover How YOU - Or Anyone -
Can Chalk Out Your Very Own Profit-Pulling KILLER Promo Emails That
Can Move Your Readers At Will!"
Writing Promotion Emails Is One Of The BEST Skills You Can Ever Master In Today's Competitive E-Commerce Market... And You Will Do Well To Read This Letter URGENTLY Because In Just A Few Minutes, You Will Learn How You Can Turn Your Pen Or Keyboard Into A Wealth-Generating Weapon!
How would you like to be able to write killer promotion emails that produce maximum results at ease? We're talking about promotion emails that:
•Produces a minimum click through rate of 10-20% and potentially as high as 30-40%,
•Generate massive sales for you... even though your mailing list is small,
•Move your readers to open and read your email with interest,
•Getting your readers to take action such as downloading gifts, signing up for a privilege and so much more!
The Truth About Writing Promo Emails... EXPOSED!
Many novice marketers and beginning list owners often fall before this particular hurdle. You've probably heard of comments from other average email marketers such as:
"My mailing list isn't responsive."
"Aw... I've built a list of freebie seekers and freeloaders!"
"I've sent an email to my list but no one ain't buying anything."
Well, here's the thing: writing persuasive promotion emails require skill.
In other words, It's not something you can master literally overnight. I know you're reading this letter hoping it's easier said than done, but I'd be lying if I say so.
Naturally, people have a poor choice of words hence poor results are produced even after they have broadcasted their emails out to their mailing list.
And UNLESS you're not pushing the HOT buttons, you aren't going to move majority of your readers much less press them to take action of some kind.
Now for the good news: writing promotion emails that kill isn't really a tough ordeal.
You don't have to kidnap a guru to teach you how to do it.
You don't have to invest thousands of dollars in expensive coaching fees, either.
And you absolutely don't have to be guessing in the dark all the time.
Announcing: Killer Promo E-mails
MP3 Audio and PDF Transcript included, instant download after purchase
Here's a sneak peak of what you'll find in this 32 minutes 09 seconds exclusive audio session:
•The 4 main purposes and focuses you can use in your emails to move your readers at will!
•All of what you need to know before writing every profit-pulling email promos!
•The most dangerous 1-letter word you should refrain from using too many times - or your email will get killed instead!
•The one nifty tool every top notch email marketer must have - I will also show you how to get it FREE!
•How to maximize your email open rate through the head of your email!
•The ingredients of a powerful subject line that gets your email open instead of getting deleted!
•How to make your email opening catchy and beef up the reading interest in your subscribers!
•The distinct razor-edge that will your keep email shortlisted out of the many emails your subscribers receive in their Inbox!
•The success factor that hypnotizes your reader to take action... leading all the way up to your intention i.e. purchase your product, sign up for something, download a freebie, and more!
•How to enforce your email letters with powerful post-scripts at the end of your letters!
And so much more! This is just the tip of the iceberg.
Take Action Now... and see an increase in your mailing list response rate, email open rate and click through rate!
Take Action Now... and watch a turbulent surge in your sales every time you run a promotion to your mailing list!
Take Action Now... and be able to move and "hypnotize" your readers at will - in your favor!
Take Action Now... because Killer Promo Emails is yours to keep for only $4.70. At this price, it's a fair trade for better results and it certainly beats shooting in the dark and suffer costly financial mistakes.
Think about it: for a small price, you can join the ranks of TOP Internet Entrepreneurs and email marketers without having to invest thousands of dollars in coaching just for this "specific area" of Internet Marketing... or even kidnap another guru!