Getting a handle on your money requires some knowledge, but do you have the tools and understanding you need? Do you tell yourself such things as:"I can't be wealthy," "I can't have a lot," "Money is the root of evil," "I can't attain more money," "I can't win," "Life isn't fair,"...etc?
Your success is largely determined by your beliefs. The limits you set in your head have a substantial impact on the level of success you reach and the quality of your life. If you could not imagine that it's possible to earn 10 times your current income, for example, then you've set a financial limit in your head. If you could not imagine that you are able to acquire a promotion, then you've set a career limit in your head...and so on.
Over time, these attitudes become a set of confining beliefs and self-imposed limits prohibiting you from living the life of your dreams.
The truth is: If you do not know how to get rid of your limiting beliefs about money, you will never reach your financial goals. In fact, learning how people relate to money and overcoming your limiting beliefs is the most important activity for your financial wellness.
Not to worry...
Using the strategies I've outlined in "Money and Me," you'll have no problems when it comes to learning all about the ins and out of financial security.
“Money and Me†will teach you:
• All the techniques you will ever need to change your limiting beliefs about money!
• Methods on how to discover your life purpose.
• Learn how to find out who you really are.
• How to question your beliefs.
• How to remove mind boundaries!
• The best way to give to yourself and others.
• Much MORE!
The cost for "Money and Me" is minimal when you consider that JUST ONE of these strategies can help you earn the price of the book 10-15 times over...but if you fail to take action today, you'll most likely stay right where you are.
Don't hesitate! Read "Money and Me" now...and take charge of your future!